Sunday, March 16, 2008

If only I could trade...

What Pastor Peter preached today really stirred my heart. The reality of Hell. The reality of Christ coming back again. The reality of one's eternal destiny could either be in heaven or hell. Who say that we would all disappear when we die? From ash we are made, to ash we return. We would still exist just in another state. The reality that we all would need to die ONCE and after which face judgment. These realities shook me today. In the midst of worship, faces after faces came to my mind.... there is so much more that I think that I need to do. So much... yet so little that I could. Each time I share gospel and people reject them, I learn GRACE all over again. I thank God that I have them and I often pray and ask God to extend His grace and mercy to them.

As I was listening to the altar call today, I asked God... what could I trade with Him for my family's salvation? All my fortune? My wretched life? Come to think of it there is so little that I could trade with Him who holds the Universe in the palm of His hands. In my helplessness I broke down. Cos I realised there is nothing... nothing at all that I could trade to gain the salvations of my loved ones. In Christ alone, I place my trust.

The truth about Hell:
1. A place where fire never stops burning
2. Worm never dies
3. Place of God's judgement
4. Where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (a place of regret and hopelessness)
5. A place originally prepared for the devil and his angels
6. A place for those whose names are not in the Book of Life.

Today I learnt that the word "hell" only appears 14 times in the whole New Testament. But the word "heaven" appears 220 times in the bible. Which is mentioned more? "Heaven" isn't it? That's God's desire! Our eternal destination.

I don't want to be alone there. I want you with me.

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