Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What is KuChi?

Today my kids had their learning trail. Basically they were given a booklet of worksheets and had to walk through 4 stations to get the answers. One of the station was at my school's Fruit Orchard.
The kids had to unscramble a few words (fruits) as they walked through the orchard and onen of the question was as follows:

1. kcihu _________________________

And of course without the teacher's help, some children tend to be smart alecks.
I observed the following:

Steven: Eh what is this word? Don't have this fruit what! We ask Miss Sim?
Kaiser: Aiyah I KNOW! ITs KUCHI! (he exclaimed with such confidence..)
Steven: What is Kuchi?
Kaiser: Neh.. the brown colour one.

I nearly died! Kaiser got the colour right but its not Kuchi. Its ChiKU haaaaaaaaa.

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