Sunday, March 04, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year.

Yesterday marked the best day of my Chinese New Year as I slogged the whole day in the Kitchen. Absolutely Tiring But its so WORTH IT to be the Mariah for the day. Mum and Dad were happy and I guess thats the very key reason why I was. Who cares about the tonnes and tonnes of plates to be washed?
(Thank God for Jie and Gina who helped!
How can a household ever live without women??
Men out there... give thanks for your ma, por por, jie and meis)

So where was I? Right! The dinner! The guests really brought so much joy. Jie and BIL came together with Uncle Alan and Aunt Esther (JIE's PILs), Por Por (Jie's G.MIL) and Gina, Alvin and their handsome boy BABY... oops I meant Ryan. Having 11 people around the table was really a little squeezy but its just so cozy and the soup was just exceptionally sweet and savoury. Lao YuShengING was another exciting time

*PILs = Parents in Law
G.MIL = Grandma in Law

*Drum ROLLs* Allow me to present to you BABY.. Oops! I meant Ryan ONG! Aiyah its so difficult to call him by his name cos I am just so used to calling him Baby. But for the sake of his identity and esteem, Ryan, it shall be. :)

This boy is so special to me cos I babysitted him when he was a baby. Cleaned his poo, showered him, fed him, brought him out for walks on strollers, played blowing bubbles, sang lullabys yah de yah de yah de... just a special kind of connection. Love him to bits. Wah feel a little teary talking about this. SHALL STOP! haa. Now he is in Primary 2. How times fly. *sigh

Dear Lord, I pray that Ryan will grow up knowing you. He will grow in wisdom and in stature. Teach him and guide him in paths of righteousness that he will have a faith that could move mountains and and an unshakable faith in You, in time to come. Place within him a seed faith that one day it might sprout fruit of his salvation. In Jesus name Amen.

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