Tuesday, October 24, 2006

God Loves Variety.

For you. :)

Was reading a book while on my way to Tommy's concert. Who's Tommy? Will introduce him a little later *grins* Pastor Kieran gave me that book some time in Jul and sadly, I could only get started on it yesterday. Came across this sentence that went, "....God loves variety..." Eims went on to illustrate on that point as he brought his readers to the way Jesus selected His 12 disciples. He was talking about how God chooses ORINDARY people for ministry. He chose people with differences; different personalties and giftings etc. If we were to take a closer look at his disciples, we really do see alot of differences. Eg. Simon the Zealot hated the Romans but Matthew the tax collector worked for them. Men from different walks of life, men who have different level of faith in God etc.

Life is so boring without variety. Isn't it? Different seasons in our lives spices things up too. We learn to appreciate the various seasons though at times we might think that winter is so cold but imagine the fun we can have with snow. Why on earth is Summer so hot? But Oooo... imagine the boyenberries, strawberries and wah lalala cherries!!!!

Who cares if you are a Sanguine, Choleric, Phelgmatic or Melancholic?
OR Why am I so loud? Why am I so task-oriented? How come I so Bo chub huh? Oh man! Why am I sad again? :) Temperament doesn't define you, God does! And like David says in Psalm 139, "...for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." In essence, let's appreciate how the Lord has created us and learn to accept the way that we are made and then constantly moving towards becoming more like Jesus.

You are not alone on this METAMORPHOSIS journey, many are and I am too...God loves variety and I love you :)

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