Monday, June 12, 2006

Regeneration 06 - Spiritual Disciplines.

B. Fasting, Prayer and Evangelism

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How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news...

Pastor Ronald asked: "Would you have the initiative to share the gospel with someone even if there were no street E program being placed in the program?"

My heart went: "No, Evangelism did not cross my mind at all during retreat". :(

I was ashamed as I responded to that question. Truthfully, Evangelism is not my heartbeat as yet. Not strong enough a passion. Til now, it has only been an obligation. But I want to move beyond that. I want it to be a passion, my heartbeat cos that is the very heartbeat of GOD - that all shall come to know Him and that none should perish. I want to be conscious of it and to be very mindful that at every finger snaps someone dies without knowing Jesus. I want to feel the heart ache of God each time I meet someone who is disinterested to know Him. I want to have that compassion that would move and compel me beyond the obligatory emotion to share the gospel when I meet a pre-believer. I want it to be my second nature, one of my spiritual habits and my constant prayer item. I realised I am not doing enough and I needed to do more.

Lord, help me, Lord.

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